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Talisman - A Tool for Mindfulness

Written by Alauna Whelan


I've really been connecting with my element necklaces lately!

They are the kind of jewelry that almost melds with a person and becomes a part of them. These necklaces are deeply intimate and personal, they represent an aspect of our soul.

I select a new element talisman each year to accompany my word for the year. This year I'm wearing the Clarity - air element necklace to remind me of my word, focus.

silver air sign talisman necklace with green leaves

I touch and fidget with the pendant often. I am never without one of the element necklaces. I wear one!

Having physical items that remind us to ground and center ourselves is invaluable.

Noticing the texture of the symbol on the front in contrast to the smooth back eases my mind and brings me back into my body. It definitely helps me focus my thoughts and settle my mind.

The water necklaces are currently sold out. I'll be making another batch before autumn. To be the first to know when they are back in stock, sign up for my emails. You'll get exclusive access to shop restocks, new releases, and sales.

To shop the collection of element necklaces, head to the online store.