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Candlelit baths are perfect for cultivating comfort and support

Written by Alauna Whelan


One ritual I'm bringing back for myself this year for myself are candlelit baths. Back when I used to teach workshops, I did candlelit ritual baths at least twice a month, with each new and full moon.

I already bath almost every night, I need to get into water daily to feel normal. Adding a few candles and a bath soak elevates the experience but doesn't require a lot for me to make it happen. It's a nurturing practice that makes me feel cared for and supported.

Finding practices that cultivate trust and help us remember our center is one thing we can control in this ever changing world. May 2021 have us reaching for the objects and practices that nurture and support us.

To elevate your bath rituals, find the intention candles in the online shop.