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three quick and simple cleansing rituals to prepare your home for fall

Written by Alauna Whelan


As we inch closer to late summer I find myself ready for a change of pace. I'm looking forward to sinking into more predictable routines. Getting ready for back to school and embracing a bit more structure.

As much as I adore summer (it's my favorite season), I find myself exhausted from trying to cram in as much as possible during our short summer season here on the prairies.

morning sunshine through the trees with a lake in the background

Utilizing quick and simple rituals helps me to ground myself and feel settled - especially during times of transition, like seasonal changes. 

Below are three quick and simple cleansing rituals to help prepare your home as we shift from summer into the cooler days of fall.

hand holding luxury crystal infused ritual spray

1. Use a room refresher, like the crystal infused ritual mists, to cleanse and purify your space. You can pair them with an intention for the season or simply visualize in your mind that you are clearing out energetic cobwebs and stagnation. 

fall equinox candle on wooden altar tray with crystals and crystal wand altar art

2. A new candle to mark the season. Candles add ambiance and the fire element is transformative. The limited edition autumn equinox will be available for pre-order in September. Make sure to sign up for my emails to get first dibs.

red and orange crystal wand art

3. Create a small altar. Add a candle, nature finds such as acorns or squash to honor fall, and some crystals or crystal altar art.

Altars act as portals that can support our intentions. They act as a physical reminder of where we are focusing our energy. This one-of-a-kind crystal wand would make the perfect addition to a fall altar. 

Make sure to sign up for my emails to be notified when new limited edition seasonal products, such as the autumn equinox candles are available!