virgo full moon: harvesting our inner transformation
This week's full moon in Virgo is closing out the astrological year.
This time of year has a similar feeling to January when we welcome a new year full of new possibilities.
The astrological new year is marked by spring equinox and Aries season. It's when the sun begins to climb higher in the sky, lengthening our days and having us focus our energy on things more outside of ourselves.
After a long winter where we were pulled deep within ourselves and subconscious, this Virgo full moon is shedding light on how much we have shifted since autumn equinox when we began our descent into the underworld.
This full moon is urging us to acknowledge our inner transformation during the darker, winter months. We get to discern what we take forward with us into this new season and what we are ready to leave behind.
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For a card reading on this full moon, watch my video below.
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