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aquarius new moon: seeding our dreams for the future

Written by Alauna Whelan


The lunar new year has arrived! Like a breath of fresh air, the Aquarian new moon and with it mercury, the messenger planet, guides us forward once again.

This new moon is a wonderful opportunity to tap into our dreams and ideals for the future. It offers us a chance to get clear and gain perspective in our lives. To vision, uninhibited with no holds barred.

As I type this, I'm inhaling the wonderful and refreshing scent of the Clarity - Air Element candle, glancing up to notice it flicker on my altar next to the card I pulled from the Moon Mantra Deck for this week's card reading. I placed one of my favorite clear quartz crystals on the altar as a reminder to focus and be clear with my intentions.

It's always astounding to me how such simple objects can bring such comfort and pleasure into our daily lives. I've been deep in grief this month, as such I've been contemplating what community, family, and support look like. It's much more nuanced and complex than I once believed. 

aquarius moon mantra - text over grey background with moon image

I'm learning that small acts of kindness and looking out for one another are the ties that bind. As old structures that made it easier to come together fall apart (like organized religion), we need to find new ways to gather and build support systems. Now is a time to dream and vision and imagine our collective futures.

As the world outside seems to be getting more chaotic, I remind myself that babies are still being born and life carries on. We love, we lose, we grieve, we grapple, and we wake up with another chance to try again.

We have the capacity to tend to others and ourselves. A phone call or text to say I'm thinking of you, a freezer meal for a neighbour, volunteering time to organizations that we align with. Small gestures and simple acts hold the key to creating a better future for all of us. 

I talk more about the themes of the Aquarius new moon in this video. 

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