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Acknowledging our hard work and devotion with the Capricorn new moon

Written by Alauna Whelan


Capricorn is a practical earth sign known for it's determination, dedication, patience, and resilience.

This sign embodies what devotion truly means. It's the act of gently holding what matters most to us and cultivating our actions and values around that.

With the wrap up of 2020, I'm finding myself hesitant to jump back into life. I'm taking it as a sign to replenish the reserves, tend to things behind the scenes, and set the foundation for the months ahead.
poem for Capricorn new moon

Allowing ourselves an opportunity to integrate ALL that unfolded and happened last year is necessary and takes time. We get to decide what we want to carry forward and what would be best set down.

In a society that values action and doing, it is so easy to glaze over the sheer amount of energy it takes to digest, integrate, plan, and set the ground work.

This new moon is giving us a potent opportunity to transform our approach on how we want to move forward in the world.

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